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Details: Materials in external services

The details of materials held in external services are shown.

Tapping or clicking a material title in the result list shows the details.


In the page for material details, various information, links and buttons are shown.


  • The contents vary depending on the external service types set by the library.


The following information and control buttons are shown.

The contents vary depending on the external service types, library settings, material types and your status.

Material information (condensed)

The title, author, editing organization and other information of the material are shown. The items to be shown vary depending on the library settings.

Material type

The material type is shown, depending on the external service types.

Cover thumbnail

The cover thumbnail is shown, if it is offered.

Control buttons

The control buttons available for the material are shown.

Material details

The details of the material are shown. The information items vary depending on the library settings.


The following information is shown depending on the external service types.


When the material is held in the library (you usually use) or other organization, the message is shown according to the holding library.

Holding library

The number of libraries that hold the material, the library names and the details of the material are shown.

Available operations in this page

The following operations are available in the page for material details. Some are not available depending on the library settings, material types and users’ login status.

Viewing material details

For the information items shown in the page, refer to Contents.

Requesting materials by using the information

Borrowing or photocopying the material held in other organizations is requested to the library. Login to LIMEDIO is required.


Going back to the result list

Tap or click [Back to list] to go back to the result list.


